How many times in your life have you wanted to do something and you said “yes, but…what if?…..” It is so common for most people to live their life this way…..
This is just one of many phrases that have been drilled into our brains growing up….we have been “conditioned” to think this way, however, that does not mean it is the RIGHT way to think!
But, here is the exciting news….you don’t have to keep thinking that way! Living your life by the “what if’s” means you will not take chances, that you are fearful, that you miss out on incredible experiences, and opportunities in every area of life. Really, the “what if’s” are just fear based excuses.
Most of these “what if’s” NEVER come true…..but people waste so much time and energy playing their lives “safely” just in case, that life passes them by and they wonder what happened to all the possibilities….they wonder why they didn’t experience more, they wonder why their life wasn’t what they wanted it to be.
It is never too late….anyone can take a firm stand for what they want in their lives, and make a bold decision to move past the excuses, the “what if’s“, and start living the type of life they want and start experiencing all the things that are possible.
We are surrounded by abundance every single day….some people will choose to see it, embrace it and be a part of it….others will stand by frozen in their past conditioning and keep “waiting” for the perfect timing for something they want to be, do or have…these are the people that get to old age and wonder what happened?
It is all a choice….
Make It A Great Year,
Simon Haggard