Richard Parker, is one of America’s leading business consultants, and he believes that buying a business is a much smarter idea than starting a new one.
People that are interested in buying a business often have some questions and reservations.
-“I’m afraid to leave my secure, well paid job”
Think about this…if you have been smart enough to land a well paid job, then you are smart enough to run your own business. You obviously have a high work ethic, take responsiblity for your work, and have leadership qualities….these are all the same qualities it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Don’t let fear stop you….you are either going to stay stuck in a rut of working for someone else building their dreams or get past your fear and start taking control of your life and start building your own dreams.
-“What if it doesn’t work – what are the downsides?”
Think about this….what if your j.o.b. doesn’t work…what if there is a slowdown….what are the downsides of that? You are getting laid off! You have absolutely no control over that….you are in the hands of a corporation….all you are is the “worker bee”….if they decide to lay you off, that’s it, you are out of work. This is a lot risker than being an entrepreneur because you have absolutely no control over this…..society has simply conditioned people to think working for someone else is job security! It’s a load of rubbish! There is no “job” security…the only security you have is taking control of your life and knowing that YOU call the shots.
-“I don’t have any experience in running a business – how would I know what to do”
This is why buying an existing business is such a great option…you will be mentored by the previous business owner in many cases. Another option is to join a network marketing company with a proven system in place. Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki are huge supporters of this industry. With the right company, there is mentorship in place, and a proven duplicatable system to follow. This is why franchises are so successful, although they are very expensive to start up. Again, network marketing companies require lower capital investments and have huge profit potential.
This is where we come in….so many people stay stuck in their lives because they don’t realize they have options. And even when they start to explore their options, fear, limiting beliefs and past conditioning get in the way of them making solid business decisions. Feel free to contact us at either number below for details on starting a business and getting past the limitations that have been holding you back.
Make It A Great Year,
Simon Haggard