I read an interesting article from Donald Trump’s site http://www.trumpuniversity.com/link.cfm?id=6752 about women’s earnings that is quite disturbing.
In this day and age, women in “traditional” businesses are still being paid less than men. My hat is off to Donald Trump with his statement “Talented people are talented people, no matter what. ” He strives to make sure that everything is an equal playing field at the Trump organisation. It appears that in the traditional work world, women are still not considered as equally competent to perform the same jobs as men.
Could this really boil down to the fact that women in their younger years will most likely be taking time off for maternity leaves? A sad but true fact I’m sure if you got to the real reason behind this.
Again, the beauty of being self employed! For women that take a stand for what they really want in their lives, family time, flexibility around their families needs, but still a flourishing, healthy career, self employment gives women the opportunity to create wealth and be paid what they are truly worth.
Network marketing is something that Donald Trump is also a big supporter of. When asked on a TV interview what he would do if he lost everything, he responded that he would find a good network marketing company. Network marketing is a way to work the hours you want, have flexibility around your family commitments, have more time off and create wealth. Many people are not aware of the financial possibilities, and this is definitely an area where many women are outdoing men in earnings.
I am so grateful, that network marketing has been my business. I have been home to spend time with my children, I have travelled around the world with my wife, we attend every school function with my kids, take school holidays off with them, and now that we have this TIME & FREEDOM we now spend every day together, and continue to travel and experience life as a Family. This is thanks to network marketing!
I am very proud to be a part of this industry and I am passionate about showing other people how to STOP being controlled by society, statistics, and the corporate world and to start living the type of life I have been able to create. There are no secrets to this type of life….it is simply making a choice that you don’t want to settle, and then taking action and following the advice of people that can help you get there.
Make It A Great Year,
Simon Haggard